Wedding anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 26, 2011

our days (October 2011)

Trip to the Brooklyn Botanical garden in October, some of our group :).

The UN building, took F there for a field trip with the homeschooling group. He had a great time and learned a lot of things. Me and my 2 girls hung around in the city for the 2 hours and had a blast :).

J tasting some of the delicious greens at the farmer's market by the UN. We bought some fresh veggies and made a great dinner, her favorite was the eggplant, sauteed kale and a few others that I forget the name of now :). Eating healthy is very important to our family. It is so important to start early and teach the children about where food comes from, how to prepare it, and mot importantly to show them that healthy food tastes Good! :)

The resident monkey :)  doing her math lessons.

The homeschool group learning about the desert plants at the Bklyn botanical gardens.

At the park

We went to a concert at Carnegie Hall to hear the amazing Sphynx Virtuosi perform some amazing classical music. This was the kids' first time listening to classical music live and they loved it! The tickets were secured by one of the homeschooling moms that runs one of the groups I belong to. She was able to get them for $4 a ticket! It was a great experience.

F has also been taking creative writing classes that he is really enjoying. It helps that his friends are part of the very small class and they work together to create their stories. For math we have been using IXL and a math text book.

J is continuing her weekly art class, she loves it! This is what she wants to do with her life, she is learning so much about drawing and different types of art.

At the apple orchard/farm in NJ. We went too late in the season so we didn't get to actually pick the apples but we had a great time at the farm, learning things about NJ, buying fresh veggies and some delicious apples. We also took a walk in the forest behind the farm, it was a beautiful, crisp fall day.

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