Well let's see.. so far our summer is going okay.. decided not to enroll the kids in tennis this year since the past few years have been so hot they were not really enjoying it... F. is taking a class on the Civil War in the city....we've done a few field trips with friends.. went to the movies with F. and his friend Z. and his mom....actually finished a few books....went to the beach with some very good friends to celebrate one of A.'s friend's birthdays...girls are continuing dance class...went to a bridal shower at amazing vegan restaurant, held in honor of a good friend of mine from college.... saw the play The Civil War with the homeschool group.. attended a birth day party for my 4 yo. nephew....had a myriad of dr. appointments (all turned out fine)
I have no pics bec. I haven't remembered to take my camera and have no idea how to get the pics out of my phone... yeah...
To add to my highlights of the week... my back tooth that needed a root canal broke last week, it was actually the busiest week of the summer with something planned for every single day! So I had to wait a week to have it looked at, and decided to have it pulled out instead of dealing with a root canal and then having them try to fix it...since I have no insurance all that would have cost about $1800 vs. the $240 I paid to have it removed.. but oh the PAIN... I'm 4 and 1/2 days past the extraction and am still feeling very uncomfortable, but am finally not in any real pain and can get by with 1 advil every 7/8 hours or so...
On top of this I have been looking at possible high schools for my son... the 1 school that would be perfect for him (at least on paper) is the 1 he has the least chance of getting into bec. of the criteria of admission.. he is in the 4th level of consideration...
But I shall make all necessary phone calls in the new few months and we will do the school tours and see what happens..
A. has been reading a lot of books, and J. has been writing and creating a ton...
Summer has been so easy... I was looking forward to getting back to the grind of things come Fall, but now I am hoping summer drags out as long as it can :) especially since the 2 week long heat waves are behind us...
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