Wedding anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 5, 2013

Homeschooling and things

My son writing the name of his finished short story on the Story Wall at Writopia class. He submitted his story to the Scholastic Awards contest, a few hundred children in the 7th and 8th grade submitted this year. He did not win, but then neither did any other 7th graders... but he was so proud to be asked to submit his story.
Celebrating 3 Kings Day with much loved cousins, this was the first year that we actually did  big celebration and invited family. It was a wonderful experience and will be repeated next year. I made an authentic Spanish meal and had kings cake with hot chocolate for dessert. My kids and their cousins played all day and had a great time.

Winter fun at a close friend's house in PA. 

Model Magic creations.

J. received 2 huge tubs of model magic from my brother for X-Mas, so her and A. spent countless hours making things from it. These are just a few of their creations, J. also made a model horse that resembled something from Ancient Greece and a few more charms and various fake food for both of their 'kids'.

J.'s sculpture from art class

Dissecting sheep heart and lung at a friend's house. F. hung in there for a few minutes then bowed out of actually cutting anything and hung out in a different part of the house where he couldn't smell the specimens. A. and her friend L. did the work for a good 20 minutes with teacher Amy explaining the parts of the heart, while J. surprised all of us and worked on her heart for over an hour, fascinated by all of the chambers and the various parts of the lung etc... She had a great time, and really enjoyed learning about it all. Afterwards my friend Amy helped her to make a pretty realistic blood model with corn syrup, red hots, beans and 1 other thing ( I forget now what she used). It looked like real red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. She kept it at home for a few weeks even after it started to dissolve. 

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