In the spirit of sharing :), I thought I'd share a somewhat typical day in our homeschooling life. (During the winter months, that is)
This past Monday, the children got up between 8 and 8:30 am, since they go to bed close to 10 pm nightly I figure this is not a bad time for them to get up. F actually goes to bed later since he stays up reading a few books every night.
I made breakfast for the girls and I, usually some type of egg and whole wheat toast, and juice for the girls and me. F gets his bowl of cereal. This day before bkfst., since J was the first one up, we logged onto a Nasa web site and watched a really cool video about our solar system and all the planets, moons, starts and satellites in it. She decided her favorite was Saturn, so after her eggs she got out the big book of The Universe from the dining room library (the kids call our house the library since almost every time they have a question about something/someone I say 'oh, we have a book on that' ) and drew a very good picture of Saturn with her rings. Once the rest got up we all looked at the Nasa site again, A had a question about Pluto so we read some interesting info. on it on the site as well as another book we have here. We discussed why it's no longer considered a planet, and then using one of the books the girls did an arts/crafts project on the solar system using construction paper and glue. They each drew a sun int he middle and then the orbits each planet takes around the sun in order of proximity to the sun, and cut out the planets from different colors of paper according to the colors they read in the book/saw on the Nasa site. Glued the planets on the paper and labeled it.
F read some more info. on the various planets (he doesn't do art), and searched the Nasa web site and found some info. about the satellite that is on it's way to Pluto and will be there by 2015.
After he finished reading he logged onto the IXL math program and did his math lesson for the day, which consists of any math he needs to finish up at the 6th grade level. It's a variety of math, including graphing, all types of fractions and decimals, linear equations etc...
After lunch, the kids all read a book of their choosing, A and I worked on her reading lessons, cuddled up on the couch :). For math the girls and I covered the months of the year, the days of the week and the hours in a day versus the other planets. As well as how much they would weigh on some of them.
Since it was MLK jr. day, I put in a video of his famous 'I have a Dream' speech (25 min long) so it held their interest, paused it a few times, and had discussions about his life and his teachings. I also found a web site dedicated to his life and his values, that F and I read and then discussed a little bit. I try to teach them all about American history when the opportunity arises, the good with the bad. A listened intently and had some really interesting observations when I explained to her how it was for most African Americans during the early to mid 1900's.
We looked and it was about 2:30pm.... I realized that we had been doing school work since 8:30 am :). Now that was a good day!
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